Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kuala Lumpur FAQ Video

I made a video of Frequently Asked Questions that I've been getting for my upcoming move.  It was fun making the video.  I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Passport is Renewed

Today my renewed passport finally arrived at my house!!

My existing passport would expire before I completed my assignment. I had to pay for the expedited passport renewal service, so that I would get it back quick. Last Friday I went to the Houston Passport Office--which was quite an adventure in itself. I thought I my new passport would have arrived by Wednesday, but not finally came on today! It took 8 days, so not too bad.

Now I can get a Work Visa!!

Chop Sticks & Fortune Cookie

I'm trying to master the art of using chop sticks, so I've been eating a lot of Asian food in the States lately. I'm getting the hang of it, but I still get major finger cramps before I usually finish the meal. But I've gotten way beyond stabbing food with the chop stick. :)  I can now pick up actual food! I guess it's also prepping my stomach for things to come. Although I'm starting to worry that there is no amount of intestinal preparation to prepare for eating actual Asian food 24/7.

Anyway, this was my fortune cookie from an Asian Bistro last week! I hope it's true!!


I was inspired to start a blog from researching Kuala Lumpur.  I discovered several blogs of people doing the same thing.  I found them not only informative but very interesting as they explored new worlds--literally!!  I thought it would be fun to blog my experience too.

Just to document where I am at this point.  I'm going to work in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia beginning in May 2011 for approximately 1.5 years.  I work for a manufacturing company and my assignment will work with accounting, finance, controlling, & IT systems within Asia Pacific.  Assuming all my necessary paperwork gets completed on time, I will make my "final move" to Kuala Lumpur (KL) in about 5 weeks from now.  Lots of things have to happen between now and then, but the excitement is building.  The more I research the culture, city, living conditions, food, etc the more exciting it becomes.  I have known about this move for a month now, so I am not going to document everything that's happened to get to this point.  But hopefully I will be diligent in keeping future activities updated!  Wish me luck!