Sunday, March 27, 2011


I was inspired to start a blog from researching Kuala Lumpur.  I discovered several blogs of people doing the same thing.  I found them not only informative but very interesting as they explored new worlds--literally!!  I thought it would be fun to blog my experience too.

Just to document where I am at this point.  I'm going to work in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia beginning in May 2011 for approximately 1.5 years.  I work for a manufacturing company and my assignment will work with accounting, finance, controlling, & IT systems within Asia Pacific.  Assuming all my necessary paperwork gets completed on time, I will make my "final move" to Kuala Lumpur (KL) in about 5 weeks from now.  Lots of things have to happen between now and then, but the excitement is building.  The more I research the culture, city, living conditions, food, etc the more exciting it becomes.  I have known about this move for a month now, so I am not going to document everything that's happened to get to this point.  But hopefully I will be diligent in keeping future activities updated!  Wish me luck!

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