Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Motorcycles in Malaysia

In Kuala Lumpur there are motorcycles everywhere.  They are zooming by on the streets, dodging pedestrians and traffic.  They aren't bound to highways, emergency lanes, sidewalks, or any other general road rules. 

Everything goes.  Here is a list of things I've noticed since I've been here:
  1. You can have a bike for one and have two people on it. 
  2. You can have a bike for two and there are three people. 
  3. You can wear a helmet or not. 
  4. You can drive your bike in between two lanes of moving traffic, no problem. 
  5. You can even go backwards on a one way street with your motorbike--but only if it is the most direct route to where you wanted to go. 
  6. You can ride it in the rain, sunny, or at night.
  7. Lights on the motorcycle are optional.
  8. You typically drive it with a coat on backwards (zippers/buttons in the back). 
  9. Women don't seem to have a problem to ride if wearing a burka or a head cover.  (These seem to travel better than I expected). 
  10. You can drive your motorcycle with flip flops.  
  11. Unlike the USA, motorbikes are designed for power, luxury, speed, or comfort.  The purpose here is to get around town.  Period.
  12. You have almost unlimited parking because everywhere is a parking space when you have a motorcycle. 
If you have a motorbike, the options are practically limitless.

Here was a motorcycle that decided to park on the narrowest part of the sidewalk today on my way into work.  I thought I was going to topple the motorbike just to get by on the sidewalk.  When this happened, I decided to take a picture and share with you.  Inspiration comes in the strangest ways (or maybe parks in the most inopportune spot).

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