Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Batu Caves Taxi Ride

I went to the Batu Caves on the outside of Kuala Lumpur during my first visit to KL (several months ago).  I was new to the city and everyone told me to take a taxi out there because it was far away from the city to be serviced by public transportation.  So I did.  No problem at all getting out there, but coming back it is really hard to get a taxi.  The taxi drivers that are there want to haggle and charge too much for their service.  And if I knew then what I know now, I would have been better prepared for the exchange that happens between taxi drivers and patrons.  But that's another story.  Once I finally decided on a fixed price for the ride, we started to drive out of the parking lot.  I immediately started to get worried because the taxi driver picked up one of his friends to come along on the ride.  Being new to the city I honestly didn't know if I was about to be kidnapped, hijacked, robbed, or taken to my destination.  It was very unnerving.  The longer we drove the more uncomfortable I got, because being new to the city I couldn't determine if we were going the right way or not.  So I decided I would take a picture of the drivers and the text the taxi cab number back to my brother in case something happened.  Sounded like a great idea at the time.  However, my data service on my Blackberry would not connect, so I could not send the information or the email to him which heighten my anxiety level.  The whole ordeal was pretty unnerving. 

I had decided to tell them to drop me off at one of the upscale malls in town, because earlier in my trip I saw where there were security guards which were at all the doors of the mall.  I thought this way I won't have a problem with the drop off.  Although thinking of it now, this might not have been the best strategy because it probably meant to them that I had money.... But as we continued to drive, I started to recognize buildings and had a relative confidence that I was going to my intended destination.  To my surprise and delight, when we arrived, there happened to be armed guards outside of the mall that day.  The driver and his friend seemed a little freaked out about that, they started talking about it before we even stopped the taxi.  I got out, paid the flat rate price and went on my merry way. 

Later, I found out that there is public transportation station across from the tourist spot.  So I could have easily gone by subway to Batu Caves, and avoided all this.  But I guess it all turned out alright, and now I have a story to tell.

Although no longer necessary, here is the picture of the taxi driver and friend: 

See also related blog story on the Batu Caves for the pictures of the destination Batu Caves; First Trip in April

For a complete list of posts see the Blog Table of Contents


Old Shoe Woman said...

Scary! Isn't it good to know a little more info now.

Tina said...

I always find it scary to take taxis here in KL. I've moved here in March and just know the main road so as soon as they take a back road I freak out, haha. I guess for then it's normal to pick up friend and other passangers on the way. I find it uncomfortable and normally try to avoid taxis all together. Haha.
Good thing you thought about the mall tho and got there safely :)


Unknown said...

That was a creepy experience, Carl. When we are in a different country, it is advisable to ride a taxi. But before riding a taxi, make sure that the driver is reliable and friendly. Don’t get a taxi that you are not comfortable to ride. There are airport taxi driver that offer reasonable fare and sometimes they are informative too. Anyway, it’s good that nothing bad happened to you.

*Earnestine Novick

Andrina Royceston said...

Whoa! Me, whenever I go out of town, I always rent a car in advance. But before I book a ride, I make it a habit to check their professional background. I often choose a taxi company to provide the service. So if there’s anything I don’t like about the driving, I can always go back to the company.

Taisha Bousquet said...

It’s sad to hear that there are really some who take advantage of others. :( I’ve already heard a lot of stories like this happening to a lot of tourists. These people know that you’re not that familiar with the place and their way of life, so this is what they do. *Sigh*. That’s why when I travel, I see to it that I get a reliable car service so I am confident that there will be no problem along my journey.

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