Sunday, August 28, 2011

Malaysia Work Celebration Dinner

To celebrate a milestone with my work project we had a celebratory dinner at a local seafood restaurant. Many colleagues joined for the festive occasion.  The meal was delicious and everyone has happy for our collective achievement.  I took a few pictures of the prepared food, but I thought it was great that they kept so much live food there.

  Work Celebration Dinner

Work Celebration Dinner

Work Celebration Dinner

All the food was was alive before we ordered it....

Work Celebration Dinner

Work Celebration Dinner

Work Celebration Dinner

Work Celebration Dinner

These lobsters were HUGE, I put my hand up for a reference to there size.
Work Celebration Dinner

Check out the size of these shrimp (prawn)!!
Work Celebration Dinner

Work Celebration Dinner

HUGE crabs, again I put my hand in the picture for a reference.
Work Celebration Dinner

Work Celebration Dinner

The other interesting thing at this restaurant was they had full length aquarium floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall which was used as a urinal.  I didn't get a picture because there was never an opportunity--as it was actively being used.  So there were fish swimming around.  Weird stuff indeed.

Click this link to see the entire photo set on Flickr
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Georgie McNeese (ArtByG) said...

Please tell me that the aquarium was not literally used as a urinal.

Carl said...

Hey Georgie, I was having trouble explaining it in words. But it was completely a wall of glass that was the side of the aquarium. So the fish didn't get 'wet'. But they were probably used for target practice.....

There was this drain thing that everything ran into and periodically water would wash down the entire 'bathroom' side of the aquarium. It was a very strange thing.....

Old Shoe Woman said...

I guess I would have to be there, but it doesn't sound very appetizing. :P