Sunday, May 8, 2011

Final Preparations to leave

It takes a lot to get out of town for a while.  Here's a list, in no particular order, of what I'm doing to prepare for my leave.  There's probably more, this is what I've done or plan to do for the move:
  • Give away fish and clean aquarium
  • Sign up for paperless invoices & statements
  • Setup autopay where ever possible for bills
  • Unlist Amazon & Ebay items for sale
  • Prune the landscape plants
  • Add mulch to the flowerbeds
  • Get annual termite inspection
  • Install a front door mail box for flyers, etc
  • Finish getting last vaccine
  • Finalize homeowners, flood, windstorm, & car insurance
  • Clean the car
  • Sell my car
  • Get a home & yard maintenance service setup
  • Pack and schedule an air-shipment
  • Get a sprinkler system installed at the house
  • Take everything off the back patio and store in the garage
  • Fertilize lawn
  • Spray Roundup to kill off the weeds
  • Setup and situate checking, savings, and other financial accounts
  • Update beneficiaries on all accounts
  • Cancel services Netflix, Internet, Cable, Trash, Tollways Tag
  • Defrost extra refrigerator.
  • Replace front door bell
  • Turn off ice maker
  • Sign up for global health insurance
  • Lock garage doors so they can't be raised.
  • Arrange for a rental car after I sell my vehicle
  • Remove bird feeder
  • Winterize home
  • Determine what to do with mail that comes to the house
  • Setup contact information while I'm away
  • Prepare items in the garage to be gone
  • Get someone to "spring clean" the house before I leave
  • Home Security system finalization
  • Reprogram thermostat for being gone
  • Get a roof inspection
  • Fix the gate latch
  • Unplug everything
  • Bleach out the front load washing machine prior to leaving, so it doesn't get rotten
  • Get extra bulbs for landscape lighting
  • Get "away" supplies for the house (A/C filters, toilet mints, foggers, etc)
  • Sort through pantry, throw away perishables and opened products, keep the canned stuff that makes sense, and donate the rest.
  • Give away houseplants.
  • Clean out the refrig & freezer.  They need to be empty in case of power outage.  Keep baking soda in them and add a jug of water so they have a mass to cool.
  • Get the cat ready to go back to Georgia.  Take her and her things (pet beds, toys, food, potty, kennel, etc)
  • Get up legal paperwork and put into a safety deposit box.
  • Update will, trust, and power of attorneys
  • Take pictures of the entire house & contents for insurance purposes.
  • Pack things for air shipment; clothes, shoes, a few pots and pans, bed sheets, personal laptop, printer, cameras, random electronics, medicines, favorite spices, etc)
  • Get together travel documents, passports, birth certificates, driver's license, employment visas, medical records, etc)
  • Make final flight reservations
  • Notify apartment landlord in Malaysia of my intended arrival date
  • Register my location with local authorities and USA embassy in Malaysia
  • Setup utilities, TV, Internet, phone, etc in Malaysia
  • Get financial documentation organized and together.
  • Cash in all the loose change around the house
  • Get lamp timers
  • USA & Malaysia Tax Briefing
  • Remove batteries from everything
  • Fog the house right before I leave
I'M EXHAUSTED, and there's probably more that I haven't thought of yet!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That makes me tired just reading this!!! Good luck and I'll see you next week. I can't wait!!