Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Preparations to leave

Are you sitting down for this? It’s been crazy hectic trying to get ready to go to KL full time.  Here’s what I’ve been doing between blog postings, which was essentially once I got back from my last trip to Malaysia.  After I left KL in April, I flew directly into Georgia to spend Easter with my family.  I stayed in GA until Wednesday morning.  My mom came back with me, and we took the 6am flight out of our regional airport which is a short flight to Atlanta for our connection back to Houston.  Because of all the tornadoes in the States, there were massive flight delays in Atlanta.  So instead of getting home at 9:30am, we arrived around 6:30pm.  The next day, I went to work and went directly into month-end closing and training my replacement.  I finished closing on the following Wednesday, Thursday I got more vaccinations and then saw several people at work.  The next Friday through Thursday, I prepared my house, mind, and belongings to be gone for an extended time.  It was exhausting and the subject of my prior post.  I think there were a lot more items that I did that didn’t make the list, but I didn’t go back and revise my posting.  You get the idea.  J
On Thursday, May 12, I sold my car at Carmaxx.  I rented a one-way rental car to be returned in Georgia.  Mom, the cat, and I drove straight through to Georgia the next day.  Total trip was approximately 850 miles we left around 9:30am and arrived at 2:30am the following morning.  Rather long day.  I spent a few days with extended family, and hitched a ride to Atlanta for a work meeting, with Holly from my old work site.  We spent a few days in Atlanta in a business accounting conference.  I flew back to Houston Wednesday night.  And ended the day by eating a ridiculous amount of crab at Joes’ Crab Shack.   I mean ridiculous!! 
The next day, I had to make the FINAL preparations to leave.  Completed packing, air shipment packers came by, lawn sprinkler man came by and we made final arrangements for an system installation, I picked up one last vaccine that I had to travel with, dropped on the internet modem & TV box at the cable company, picked up one last precautionary prescription, got a haircut, packed up the rental car, drove to the airport.  Got on the airplane and flew Houston to Moscow, Moscow to Singapore, and Singapore to Kuala Lumpur.  It’s been hectic, but it’s behind me now!

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