Thursday, May 26, 2011

USA Work Goodbye Video

I received the nicest surprise from during the Site Controlling & Business Liaison Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia last week.  They had composed the nicest going away video for me.    I’m happy to share it with you below.  It was such a pleasant surprise.

Although we were assembled for a staff meeting, it was so good to see all my friends and colleagues that are spread across North America assembled in one place.  It was really great to see them all before I made my final departure.  You guys are great!

Many of the first blog followers saw the FAQ video that I put together back in March when I first learned of the assignment.  I made a few modifications to it and incorporated it into a presentation I gave at the conference.  The video went over really well, and hopefully was a little bit entertaining.  I’m posting the revised version here, if interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sweet!