Sunday, April 17, 2011

Acclimation to Kuala Lumpur Travel

After the travel from Lake Jackson, Texas to Houston Intercontinental, wait 2.5 hours for international flight, Houston to Moscow, Moscow to Singapore, Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, & KL airport to hotel via taxi. Total travel time my house to hotel was just under 33 continuous hours plus a 13 hour change in time made for a 46 hour delta. 

After I checked into the hotel, I brushed my teeth and took a shower, and I went out and explored close to my hotel.  I couldn't really find any food that seemed appetizing so I just came back to the hotel after about an hour and a half of wondering around aimlessly.  I decided to eat at the hotel.  It was nice, but unexpected.  They were having a "high tea", which was hot tea served with bite sized pieces of food.  However the food was varied and international; Sushi, noodles, shrimp, shellfish, Chinese dumplings, vegetables, breads, and several tables of desserts.  It was all delicious.

After a meal, I decided to go to the hotel room and try to rest.  I actually went to sleep for several hours and then woke up around 8pm, watched TV and talked on the phone a bit.  Went back to bed and slept until about 5am the next day.  That helped me out a lot because I didn't realize how draining that flight was for me.  Looking back, that helped get me acclimated to the new time zone. Although I lost all day Saturday for the most part.  Knowing this, I could potentially make the trip Friday night instead of Thursday night and should be able to go into the office on Monday morning.  But it was nice to have the Sunday to explore around the city.  Especially since this was my first trip.

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