Thursday, April 21, 2011

Change of (flight) plans / Extended stay in KL

Well I wasn't here but a few days and I was asked to alter my flight plans. It's nice to be wanted I guess. So instead of my original trip leaving on Tuesday I'm going to stick around the entire week. My new flight will leave on Friday midnight local time. I travel from Kuala Lumpur to Seuol Korea to Atlanta Georgia. My cousin will pick me up at the airport and we're going back to see the family in Southern Georgia. I'm looking forward to the trip back. I will only be able to stay a few days and then I'm back to Texas. I have to train my replacement at work on month end closing and wrap up everything before my final trip and relocation to Kuala Lumpur. It's going to be a busy May!

1 comment:

Denell said...

uh..Yes you have to be here for month end!