Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First day at work in Malaysia

My first day at work turned into not actually going to the normal offices.  Instead we went off site to one of our manufacturing facilities, which is about 20 miles away from the hotel.  We will be here all week.  As soon as we got there, they escorted me and the others in my group to a large conference room with over a hundred people in there.  It looked like the space center mission control room.  These people were ready to work!.  After some brief introductions, we were down to business.  It was an entire week of stress and teaching, doing, but I can already tell I've got good colleagues that are fun to be around.  By the end of the week, we were all laughing and joking with each other.  They have a lot of intelligent people working the project.  I know we should be successful with the group that's working it.

Work brought in food each day, plus breakfast, mid-morning & mid-afternoon snacks.  [These are my kind of people!]  I must say, they have some strange things over here.  I've never seen so much gelatin and starch based food.  They also seem to use a lot of coconut and  jellies.  There is always some kind of 'topping' on most of the snacks.  It could be in the form of a spicy paste, fish sprinkles, something salty, or something for texture.  Not things I am familiar with at all.  But they are okay, but I don't think I'll have any crazy cravings for them when I return to the States!

All was well with the first day at work!  [I'm posting this a week behind when I was actually there, the rest of the week went really well also]

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