Saturday, April 2, 2011

Getting Ready -- Insurance

Who knew the insurance process would be so complicated when you decide to do an overseas assignment!  Here's the run-down of what I'm doing....hope I don't ever need to use any of this!

  • Flood insurance.  This has been the easiest of all my insurances.  Since its insured with a federal program.  There are no problems with having flood insurance and not actively occupying the house that is insured.  Renewed and paid the premium, DONE!
  • Hurricane insurance. This is also a relatively easy change.  There is no difference in premium (yeah!  You can't believe how expensive this one is normally).  My insurance agent has to send notification to the Texas Windstorm Insurance.  They will add the disclaimer that it is no longer my primary residence and then pay the premium.  Hope to get this done next week!
  • Homeowners insurance.  Okay this one has been the problem.  Still working out the details, but it appears I can list it as a secondary home, non-rental and I can insure it without paying the non-occupied, non-rental premiums.  Although work pays the difference in premium, the difference in premium is 2x for secondary home, and 8x for the vacant designation.  Still trying to work it out with the insurance agent, and I want it in writing that they are not going to deny a claim based on my visit frequency.  Hope to get this completed next week!
  • Health Insurance.  Work is handling this one as you might imagine.  Essentially, I am switching from my current USA medical, prescription, dental, & vision health plans to an international health plan.  I continue to pay my current premiums for USA coverage and work pays the additional amount to get me global coverage.  The new policy should pay for any medical issues regardless of the country I'm in.
  • Automotive Insurance.  Okay this one is strange also.  Apparently if I don't keep some form of automotive insurance (even if I don't have a vehicle in the States) when I return to the States, I'll have to pay higher premiums due to not having continuous automotive insurance.  They get you every way they can!  Exploring my options here, and I still have to determine if I'm keeping or selling my current vehicle before I depart.
  • Life Insurance. Not really any changes to this.  Just got to get the policies up and in a secure place. 
The list never ends....

1 comment:

Denell- Swap Contract Partner said...

Did you put me as your beneficiary on your life insurance? Help a co-worker out, will ya'?