Sunday, April 17, 2011

When you make a flight this long...

Now that I've made the flight from Houston to Kuala Lumpur (all 27 hours of it).  Here are things that I will remember to do next time:

  1. Take a toothbrush....probably no explanation needed here.
  2. Don't eat everything.  Just because they want to feed you, you don't have to eat and snack the entire time.  Otherwise all that food is just going to sit with you for a very long time and make you feel gross and bloated.  Eat a little bit, drink lots of water and try to make the best of it.
  3. Bring extra deodorant....chances are you will sleep twice during the flight plus it will take some time to get to the destination.  You can't go this long without needing a refresh.
  4. Bring glasses and contact solution.  Again its just another comfort item.  But you can't expect your eyes to handle it that long.  There's too much recycled airplane air.  It's not cute.
  5. There is no internet access on Singapore Airlines even business class.  They trick you with an Ethernet jack but nothing happens.  Not cute.  I would have loved to have internet on the way.  But put that out of your mind for next time.  Maybe another carrier??  Not sure??
  6. Bring mouthwash
  7. Take the KLIA Express train to KL Sentral.  I took a taxi because it seemed easier since I didn't know exactly where to go or what to do.  Now that I've been here the KLIA Express train is half the price, half the time, and right across the street from the hotel.  It's easy!

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