Sunday, April 17, 2011

Internet in Malaysia

Okay, I have no idea why internet woes follow me where ever I go, but it has apparently made it's way along with me to Kuala Lumpur. 

I've been here a week and I can not get any external internet even at my office--which is related to different proxy settings within the region. ??  However Asia's proxy settings won't work for me either.  It's got the helpdesk stumped.  And my blackberry keeps dropping the data & internet service.  I haven't lost voice service, but even when the phone displays I have service, I don't.  Then randomly I get a blackberry registration activation message and BOOM all my delinquent emails flood in.  Normally I can keep service for about 2 hours after that.  Then I have to wait for it to randomly sync again.  I have another ticket in for that.  Lastly at the hotel, I couldn't get internet service either.  I finally called their helpdesk and finally got it figured out yesterday. 

If you come here, don't tell everyone you're going to keep up with them on internet.  It just don't work....or at least for me.  I think I'm in business now at the hotel.  Tomorrow is Monday so hopefully they can get this resolved for me.

1 comment:

Old Shoe Woman said...

You know that I feel your pain. Been there. Done that. :D