Thursday, April 21, 2011

Motorcycle accident

So today I experienced something that was terribly sad and sobering. The weather was very rainy this afternoon and the roads had water building up faster than it could be drained away. Two coworkers and I were going to a local restaurant after work and when we came up to one intersection, we discovered a motorcycle that had overturned and wrecked. It was pouring rain and a guy was laid out on the flooded intersection with people standing over him with umbrellas. We were stopped at the intersection for a little while and I never saw the guy's legs move. I don't think know for sure, but judging by the motorbike, it didn't look good for him at all.

We sat in the car in silence and somewhat disbelief for several moments. There might have been a few words said, but it was strangely silent for our group. It was the unspoken tragedy that was unfolding just a few feet away as we were on our way to eat a nice meal. I pondered how quick a persons' world could dramatically change or be ended. The stop light changed, and we went on our way.

I wonder if I'll Continue to think back to this event, I wonder what happened with the guy. I felt compassion for a stranger I never met, and sympathy for his family, his friends and coworkers. It was strange, I never really ponder on such things. Not exactly sure why it seized my thoughts so strongly today, maybe its the distance from home, maybe it was the visual imagery, or the shear reality of it all. I'm not sure, but make yours days count; we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.


Tracy Pierre said...

Better get it all behind you. There is nothing you can do about it. In these accidents, all you can do is to call for help. You are right, you'll never know where or when you're time is up, so better make your stay here worthwhile.

Amy Baron said...

Poor guy… The accident might have been really devastating for him that he couldn’t get up immediately. He might be driving too fast even if it’s raining. We should never drive fast when it’s raining, especially if the road is flooded. We never know what will happen because the road is slippery when wet. I just hope he’s fine now.